Crusader kings 2 interesting starts
Crusader kings 2 interesting starts

crusader kings 2 interesting starts

In game wise: it's a ♥♥♥♥ county, but you can have fun rebuilding it from scratch. It smelt like tourist BS, but what isn't now a days for historical sites (I saw Cornwall mentionned too and one other I forget, but I felt Cumberland would be more central geographic wise). Established my capital in Cumberland, which was one of the rumored places I read about. In my case I had started as the count of Dyfed, went and formed the kingdom of Brythoniaid, and then onward to the Empire of Prydain. Keep in mind there is no -actual- events. The mod's a mod and since it's a mod it goes to the mod subforum. Servant of the Dark, Restorer of The Light. Lmao for real? I'll role a welsh culture right now for some King Arthur RP Dyri the Stranger (in Knugarr Kiev) is an extremely interesting character: it was Hrrkr who united Rus' in real life, but Dyri had an equal chance at it. Have fun trying to find out the rumored locations of king Arthur's castle too for max RP possibility. The welsh starts are all kinda hard though and might require some restart. Originally posted by CTCitizen:Pick a welsh culture, and conquer back Pritannia to reform Avalon and the knights of the round table.

Crusader kings 2 interesting starts